Final Project - New Direction

Having given the project more thought, I have decided that I don't want to create a magazine. I began to um and ah about the idea after a week or so and I think this is because I just jumped onto the idea of the magazine because I wanted to incorporate my writing into the project rather than particularly wanting to focus on the format of a magazine. I do however like the idea of writing and working with type (at least I do at the time of writing this) so this may be a potential avenue for me to go down for this final project. Other ideas have been that of using/working with art-deco design and the typefaces associated with this section of design and the period which it began/was most popular. Continuing with this theme I had the idea of creating a typeface with an art deco feel/sensibility that would work within a modern day setting but this may well exist already. I will further discuss these ideas with my tutor later today.