H – Hoodie strings tied in a bow
Oh dear. I believe this trend came about due to employees in American Apparel tying the strings of hoodies in a bow when hanging them on display in the shop and it seems the various customers have since copied this for themselves and the idea spread. To me this just seems like you’re trying too hard to be individual or to try and set a trend. However, you’re not really individual when you see every other person who shops at American Apparel or for that matter anyone who owns a hoodie (and thinks this looks cool) doing the exact same thing. Maybe it’s the closest thing to wearing a bowtie without having to fork out for one, or the confidence to wear a bowtie. Who knows, once again I’m completely baffled as to why you’d want to do this.
Exceptions where this faux pas is acceptable
When you can’t find a noose to hang yourself with (might not be able to publish that).